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Friday, April 15, 2011

The Sandwich Factory Brochure

The Sandwich Factory is a Texas-based distributor of high-quality, fresh and local sandwiches for restaurants, deli's, convenience stores, hospitals, big box retailers, schools and other businesses. Next Door Creative partnered with The Sandwich Factory to introduce their new corporate identity. A simple bi-fold brochure was created to be distributed at local food shows throughout Texas. In addition to the logo and brochure development, Next Door Creative produces private label packaging, point-of-sale displays and menu displays for The Sandwich Factory wholesale clients.


  1. Hi, I love your blog. Is it still active? Looks like it's brand-y new. Will check back later for more content. Glad to have found your blog - your work looks great.

  2. hi...nice blog,sry i need an orginal sandwich picture on this page,with high resulation,can you send me this picture?
