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BMazda Logo Identity
The Bountiful Mazda logo was outdated, predictable and had lost its connection to the sporty, sexy and sleek Mazda brand. In order to bring Bountiful Mazda in alignment with the overall Mazda brand, Next Door mined for the true essence of Bountiful Mazda—developing a shorter bMazda mark that was unique, memorable and bold. To view the complete bMazda case study story click here:

BMazda Website Design

Because the younger Mazda demographic is so connected to the Internet for researching big purchases like a car, Next Door re-designed the website to reinforce the new colors, style and look of the bMazda campaign. Social networking, email marketing and blogging campaigns were added later to reach the ever-moving target of the youth demographic.

BMazda Billboard Design
Outdoor campaigns near the freeway exits of Bountiful Mazda were exceptionally popular. Leveraging co-op dollars helped maximize year-round exposure. The ads reflected the “b” whatever you want brand promise.

BMazda Indoor Signage Design
The overall environmental design of the Bountiful and Orem stores needed an overhaul. Next Door produced bMazda-branded posters, window stickers, employee uniforms, license plates and collateral pieces that tied the marketing and advertising to the in-store experience.