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Next Door collaborated with Jeffrey Berke Productions and the Downtown Alliance to create the look for this 3 day extravaganza. How do you cram 3 days and 3 nights of event information into an event guide? Such was the question Next Door designers asked themselves. The answer came in a user-friendly fold-up pocket guide that easily pointed out events by date, time and venue along with maps and special facts about the EVE event. To view the complete EVE case study story click here:

EVE 2010 Sales Deck
Engaging the sponsors from the start to rally around the EVE flag was crucial. The sales deck powerfully convinced them that EVE was going to be a large scale event that would attract the people to SLC on New Years.

EVE 2010 Website

The EVE website was a crucial hub for all things EVE. Housing the EVE event schedule, maps, media content, pictures of the event, ongoing press releases, the website reflected the graduation of First Night to EVE in its image and content. Check out EVE at

EVE 2010 Poster

It became more and more apparent during the marketing process that the three things people needed to know more than anything about EVE was: 1) That EVE was a New Years celebration, 2) that it was a 3-day event and 3) that was the place to get tickets. The poster simply reflected those elements. All of downtown displayed these posters proudly.

EVE 2010 Event Pocket Guide

The pocket guide was a crucial part of advertising for the event, as well as a functional piece for attendees at the event. Cramming 3 days full of events into an easy-to-read program guide was no easy task. These pocket guides really went over well and thousands were distributed all over the city.

With one year under it's belt, Jeffrey Berke and the Downtown Alliance utilized David Newkirk's amazing photography captured from last years event to be the basis of marketing and advertising the 2nd year of EVE. Next Door updated colors and graphic treatments to welcome 2011 with more vibrancy.