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Additional Client Work

Gallivan Center Folk & Bluegrass Festival Poster
Award-winning Folk and Bluegrass Festival poster for the Gallivan Center.


Lunch Bunch Concert Series Poster

Poster and concert schedule for the Lunch Bunch Concert Series. (Chris Shill, Illustrator)

UDA Conference Identity and Collateral
Utah Dietetic Association Annual Conference identity and collateral.

Bonneville Communications Mailer
Public Service Announcement promotional mailer for Bonneville Communications

South Davis Community Hospital

While working at Fluid Studio, Next Door designer Shawn Hansen developed this brand identity and collateral for South Davis Community Hospital.


On The Fly Urban Market
Air Terminal Gifts looked to Next Door to create a brand that would uniquely position their new convenience store in the very competitive airport c-store market. The logo design was transformed into a 3-D sign in front of both stores, complete with a motorized propeller that constantly spins to grab the attention of travelers. As customers walk by, they can't help gaze at the 360-degree murals depicting retro-futuristic city life mixed with on-the-fly travel. Illustrations produced by creative partner, Ben Simonsen under Next Door direction.

On The Fly Urban Market is a convenient store inside the Salt Lake City Airport. The cup designs along with their grand opening menu invite were designed by Next Door to be handed out to special guests and dignitaries. The logo, store design, graphic treatments were all created by Next Door.

Pink Garter Theatre
Every year, Pink Garter has new shows to promote. The first season, the marketing they used did not pop off the shelf. Next Door was brought in to spice up the designs and make the shows feel more appealing. Programs, posters and hotel cards were created to not only capture the individual mood of each production but also showcase the unique style of this Jackson, Wyoming, playhouse.

Kapitol Reef Aquatics
Next Door practically built this product from scratch. From the naming of the snorkel and its technology, to the overall design of the packaging, logos, brochures and trade show booths for sales conventions, Next Door was integral in bringing this fascinating new snorkel to market. Sport Diver magazine selected the snorkel as the 2007 Gear Guide Editor's Pick.

Power Music
Power Music came to Next Door seeking outside help to bring vitality to their new workout music covers. The result was hip new covers that reflect the content of the music as well as inspire fitness enthusiasts to get out and workout. Illustrations produced by creative partner, Ben Simonsen under Next Door direction.

Lifetree Clinical Research
Lifetree Clinical Research asked Strategex Integrated Marketing to develop a new marketing strategy for their business-to-business sales approach. Strategex enlisted Next Door to come up with creative that was deep, meaningful, classic and attractive to pharma companies. The results they have had with the sales kits we developed have been significant. In fact, they went through 2 additional print runs in the first year.