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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rustico Mother's Day Facebook Promotion

Next Door Creative designed a recent promotion for Rustico using Facebook embedded forms to get feedback from clients, grow their facebook database and sell more journals. They offered to the first 200 Mother's free leather quote books as a gift for Mother's Day. The response was enormous. In less than 30 minutes they had 20 orders, in less than 24 hours, 61 orders. The power of social networking and the value of connecting with customers cannot be underestimated. Companies like Rustico that are branching out, trying new things and connecting with their customers in a personal way are paving the way for the new business success model. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Inclusion Center for Community & Justice Posters

Every year The Inclusion Center for Community and Justice recognizes humanitarians who dedicate their lives to compassion and understanding for all people. This year, the ICCJ asked Next Door Creative to design posters for the 44th Humanitarian Awards Dinner. These represent individuals and their statement on how each of us has room to grow in order to better relate to the individuals who make up our diverse communities. Next Door was proud to donate their time in support of this worthy cause. A big thank you to David Newkirk for his amazing photography. To learn more about The Inclusion Center for Community and Justice please go to

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Betty Lou's Powdered Peanut Butter Packaging

Our good friend Kent Frogley commissioned Next Door to concept designs for a new line in Betty Lou's healthy food product offering. Their unique formula for powdered peanut butter deserved a fresh approach and illustrators, Sam Ashley, Alex Bell, Tim White and Shawn Hansen provided fun, unique approaches that gave Betty Lou plenty of options to consider. Some of the concepts challenged Betty Lou to consider different market segments that they previously had not considered. Next Door loved the opportunity to flex creative muscles and stretch the clients imagination of what is possible in an otherwise drab peanut butter market.

Betty Lou had developed a brand called, "Just Great" in another market segment that had done very well for them. It was decided that a broader packaging design using the "Just Great" brand elements would be selected for initial test market runs to see how well receptive the market is to a powdered peanut butter product. The following design was created for this purpose by Next Door.

Daybreak Light Post Banners

As house hunters enter Daybreak, they are greeted by fun and bright light post banners created by Next Door. These are used to guide and inform buyers about the Daybreak experience and how to find what they are looking for in the way of model homes. Next Door incorporated the playful happiness that is Daybreak with the use of bright colors and stylized illustration.