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Monday, November 28, 2011

EVE 2012 Poster Design

EVE 2012 promises to be bigger than ever. Next Door Creative was once again called on by their friends at Corporate Staging Resources and The Downtown Alliance to brand this years 3 day, 3 night end-of-the-year event. Next Door picked a striking florescent cyan blue in all the print collateral to really make the imagery and content pop off the advertising. Next Door enlisted the styling photography of David Newkirk  to emphasize a Mayan prophetic, doomsday, celebration, dance theme with this iconic image of "stEVE". This mascot figure of the guerrilla mask wearing a bird mask figure covered in fox fur, football shoulder pads and a hoop skirt was both powerful and artistic. The result is a strong, bold new image for EVE this year. Pocket guides, tickets, billboards, print ads, website, web banner ads and promotional youtube videos all have stEVE adorned on the advertising. To see more of EVE advertising visit To see promotional videos with Coach Whittingham of the University of Utah that are hilarious visit Thousands of viewers have already taken a look!

Rustico Website Breaks Black Friday Records

Rustico broke records on Black Friday weekend this year with their online sales promotions using Facebook, Twitter, e-newsletter and online banner ads. With the recent upgrades made to the site in design and SEO capabilities, Rustico is enjoying a steep increase in unique visits and overall online sales. To see Rustico's re-tooled and re-designed site, please go to